
Climate scientists call this our “last decade of action.” Without a sharp turn by 2030, climate change will cause irreversible damage to our most fragile ecosystems and further escalate crises across the planet. 

At the same time, we see the growing impact of corporate overreach, disinformation, and inflamed nationalism. All are directly tied to the fossil fuel industry, which not only obstructs efforts to address the growing climate emergency but also funds lawsuits and efforts to pass legislation to criminalize and silence YOUR voice, YOUR dissent, and YOUR advocacy.

The oil and gas industry’s assault on democracy started decades ago, with the documented deception about the coming climate catastrophe and their participation in an anti-democratic movement aimed at limiting the victories of growing racial, gender, and environmental justice movements. These efforts moved state-by-state, expanding corporate power and limiting the rights and freedoms that make democracy meaningful.

Today, there is no path to victory on climate without a well-functioning democracy. There can be no green, just, or peaceful future until the corporate greed that values profit over people is confronted and dismantled. Building the future we all deserve will take political power. 

That’s why Greenpeace USA Votes (GPUSA Votes) was formed — to use every tool we can to educate voters and elect climate and democracy champions to achieve the transformative change that both science and justice demand. 

And unlike other PACs, our work does not end after election day. We will continue to shape policy and push elected officials to live up to their campaign promises and vote for climate action. Before time runs out.

What can YOU do? Opt-in and bring your friends! It will take all of us.

Greenpeace USA Votes will always maintain our political independence, neither giving money to politicians nor endorsing them.

Paid for by Greenpeace USA Votes. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.